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The Carob Kitchen Carob Powder Roasted 200g


100%  naturally sweet Carob Pod. A tasty, chewy, high-fibre sprinkle.


Australian grown Carob Sprinkles are nothing but pure Carob bean.

These are a finely ground version of our famous kibble nibbles. Released by demand for baking and spinkling.

Sprinkle in Muesli, porridge.

For a little crunch add to your yoghurt or ice-cream.

Get creative and use in place of sugar in your biscuit baking.

The ultimate, turn into a "sweet Dukkah" for fresh fruit and smoothies.

There is millions of reasons why Carob is so good for you. Here is just a couple:

  • Rich in antioxidants
  • High in fibre
  • High in Protein
  • Contains vitamin A. B, B2, B3 & D
  • 100% vegan
  • Gluten FREE
  • Caffeine FREE
  • Cholesterol FREE
  • 99% fat FREE
  • Preservative FREE
  • Dairy FREE

The Carob Kitchen Organic Roasted Carob Powder 200 g

The Carob Kitchen Organic Roasted Carob Powder is 100 percent pure roasted carob powder with an aromatic caramel and malt flavour, delicious in drinks and baking. It tastes great in baking or mixed as a milk drink. Use one for one as a substitute for cocoa powder.

  • 100 Percent pure roasted carob powder
  • With an aromatic caramel and malt flavour
  • Delicious in drinks and baking
  • Sprinkle on your Weetabix or porridge
  • Use in place of icing when dusting over cakes



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